
Mission Week

The Mission week 2014 begins on January 20 and finishes on January 25. The program starts at 7am to 12 in the afternoon then continues again at 6pm to 10pm. Donations for the distribution of ‘Secret true Life’ DVD will be taken and prayers will be done throughout the program. The vision to declare the Gospel to one crore souls will begin by spreading the Gospel through the DVD ‘Secret True Life’, a 27 minute Clay Animation. It was produced by Media Serve and Salvation TV has acquired the distribution rights from Idea Heaven. This has allowed us to distribute the DVDs at a much lower rate and in an effective manner making sure the Word Of God is declared to everyone. A single pack is available for the price of Rs100 and contains four DVDs.
Helping us share the Gospel for the unreached souls, we have proposed few distribution methods for the task and can be selected by you the donors. Here are a few of them

  • The DVD’s can be given at schools or colleges if it is the place of employment.
  • Offices and other work environments can be an ideal place for presenting this precious gift.
  • Home owners can provide the gift to their house helps, maids and their neighbours.
  • Facilities can be provided if donors need to distribute it in places like
  • Auto stands, bus stands and other transportation hubs with a minimum order of 100 DVDs.
  • Specific village or township with the minimum of order 1000 DVDs.
  • The DVDs can be acquired by Churches for distribution during Village Ministries and we will customize the DVDs with information displaying the counselling phone number of the respective Church.


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